Entrepreneur Visa

Costa Rica
Cost of Living
Talent Migration


Temporary residence is a temporary residence authorization in Costa Rica generally related to a professional work situation



12 Month(s)



84 Month(s)



up to 150 USD


P. Residency

36 Month(s)


Processing time

6-8 Week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the Entrepreneur Visa?

4 Eligibility Requirements

  • You need passport valid for at least 6 month(s)
  • You must be of good conduct
  • You must have required training for the exercise of trade
  • In case if you have a company it must be registered and must have legal status

Which documents do I need to apply for the Entrepreneur Visa?

13 Document Required

  • Application Form
  • Letter indicating the reasons for the foreign person who is requesting a temporary residence. Should indicate the full name of the person applicant, nationality, age, occupation, address where you live and where or medium for notifications
  • Receipt of payment in the amount of US $ 50.00; where the name of the person is indicated foreign as depositor. This money must be canceled in colones, in the account 242480-0 of the Bank of Costa Rica.
  • Payment receipt for the sum of ¢ 125 and ¢ 2.50; for each sheet you submit with the application for residence, where the name of the foreign person as depositor
  • Two passport size photographs, front and recent date of the foreign person
  • Proof of fingerprint registration, issued by the Ministry of Public Security
  • Proof of consular registration. The requirements for such registration will be determined in the consulate correspondent
  • Birth certificate of the person foreign issued in the country of origin, duly legalized or apostilled
  • Criminal record certification of the foreign person from the country of origin or where the legal residents have resided last three years, duly legalized and authenticated or apostilled
  • Photocopy of all pages of the passport valid for the foreign person
  • Copy of the titles or corresponding accreditation where demonstrate that you have the training required for the exercise of the trade, if they are securities issued abroad, be legalized or apostilled
  • If the business is constituted as a company, it must present the constitution of the company, legal status, patent, operating permit by the Ministry of Health and income certification by a Public Accountant Authorized
  • Proof of registration with the General Directorate of Direct Taxation

Talent Migration data for Costa Rica

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

Disclaimer: Visadb.io is a FREE visa database and Immigration Expert Marketplace. The information displayed in this page is not legal advice. Please speak to an Expert before applying.

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