Highly Skilled Visa

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


If you plan to work in Nicaragua as a scientist, You need a temporary residence visa before travelling to Nicaragua



12 Month(s)



195 USD


Processing time

4-6 Week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the Highly Skilled Visa ?

7 Eligibility Requirements

  • You need a passport valid for at least 6 months
  • You need Individual work contract certified by the Ministry of Labor
  • You need proof of compliance with article 14 of the Labor Code, issued by the Ministry of Labor
  • You need specific certification according to the position to be performed in Nicaragua, issued by the competent authority of the country of origin or previous residence
  • You need Deed of Legal Representation and Identification of the legal representation of the Company
  • You should be of good character
  • You should be in good health

Which documents do I need to apply for the Highly Skilled Visa ?

16 Document Required

  • Application Form
  • Residence application letter, addressed to the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration
  • Original in good condition and photocopy of the passport (validity no less than six months)
  • Two passport size photographs (4½ high by 3 ½ wide), white background, without glasses, hat, cap, ears and open front
  • Birth or Naturalization Certificate, issued by the competent authority of your country of origin, duly apostilled or authenticated as the case may be
  • Criminal Record Certificate, issued by the competent authority of the country of origin or residence of the last three years, apostilled or duly authenticated by the Consulate of Nicaragua, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of its country of origin, and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nicaragua. Children under 18 years of age are exempt from this requirement
  • Health certificate, issued by the competent authority of your country of origin or previous residence, apostilled or authenticated, or of the Nicaraguan health authorities
  • Letter requesting residence with condition one (TO WORK), in the case of citizens hired abroad, they must present this letter at the time of their entry through any border post
  • Individual work contract certified by the Ministry of Labor, (specifying that this will be effective once the DGME grants the citizen, the residence with authorization to work)
  • Proof of compliance with article 14 of the Labor Code, issued by the Ministry of Labor
  • Commitment Notary of the employer, where he guarantees the return to his country of origin or previous residence, once his employment contract is concluded
  • Photocopy of the University Degree or Certification that accredits the trade, profession or activity to which it is dedicated, according to the position to be performed in Nicaragua, issued by the competent authority of the country of origin or previous residence, authenticated by the Consulate of Nicaragua and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country of origin and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nicaragua
  • Photocopy of the Deed of Constitution of the applicant company, duly registered in the Commercial Registry and certified before a Notary Public. In the case of Non-Governmental Organizations, they must submit a certificate from the Registry and Control Division of the Ministry of the Interior, and a photocopy of their publication in the Gazette, Official Gazette
  • Photocopy of Deed of Legal Representation and Identification of the legal representative of the Company
  • Present two proformas of the value of the return ticket to your country, from two different airlines, which will be deposited in the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration
  • Exceptionally, additional documentation may be requested. (Article 63, numeral 7 of the Regulation to Law 761, General Migration and Aliens Act)

Talent Migration data for Nicaragua

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

Disclaimer: Visadb.io is a FREE visa database and Immigration Expert Marketplace. The information displayed in this page is not legal advice. Please speak to an Expert before applying.

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