Self-employment - CORPORATE ROLE

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


You require Long term Visa”D” if you want to Work legally in Italy as a self employed person .



12 Month(s)



120 Month(s)





P. Residency

60 Month(s)


Processing time

6-8 Week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the Self-employment - CORPORATE ROLE?

5 Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must have valid passport
  • Applicant must pay visa fee
  • Applicant must have valid travel medical insurance
  • Applicant must have clean criminal record
  • Applicant must have suitable accommodation in Italy

Which documents do I need to apply for the Self-employment - CORPORATE ROLE?

9 Document Required

  • Application Form (completed visa application signed by the applicant)
  • Two recent passport size coloured photographs (full face on white background, one photo attached to application)
  • Complete certificate of company registration in the business register, with economic administrative repertoire and from which the office held by the visa applicant in the administrative or supervisory board is shown
  • Copy of a formal declaration of responsibility, previously issued or sent by the legal representative of the company to the competent territorial division of labor - Labor inspection service, with which you indicate, what ratio conferred, even if contractually, with the foreign citizen who will social charge (of administration or control in the company), no employment relationship will be established
  • Declaration of the legal representative of the company that assures in favor of the applicant a fee exceeding the minimum level required by law for exemption from participation in health care expenses (€ 8.400)
  • Proof of availability of availability of suitable accommodation, demonstrable according to one of the following methods: contract for the purchase or lease of a property; declaration made pursuant to articles 2 and 4 of the law 4.1.1968, n.15; declaration made pursuant to the same rules by an Italian or foreign citizen legally residing in Italy, stating that he has made available to the applicant a suitable accommodation, corresponding to the minimum parameters provided for by the regional law for public housing
  • An income, from legitimate sources, of an amount above the minimum level required by law for exemption from participation in health care expenditure (8,400). This minimum income requirement is satisfied in the presence of documentation that certifies the achievement, in the country of residence, of a similar income for the year preceding the visa application, or in the presence of the declaration provided for in point 7
  • Nulla Osta della Questura territorially competent
  • The Embassy reserves the right to request further documentation at the interview if and when required - All documents should be provided in original accompanied with a set of photocopies in A4 size

Talent Migration data for Italy

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

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