Work Residence Permit

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


Visa & Residence Permit for Workers

If your passport is from a country outside the EU/EEA, then you will need to apply for a Residence Permit (national visa type D) and after you get a job offer from a employer in Greece


  • Gather documents
  • Apply with application at the nearest “One-Stop Service” Foreigners and Immigration Department of the Decentralized Administration of the Ministry of Interior & Administrative Reconstruction
  • After the submission of the application, you will receive a certificate (when you submit all necessary documentation )
  • You can check application status online at


12 Month(s)



84 Month(s)





P. Residency

60 Month(s)


Processing time

4-6 Week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the Work Residence Permit?

6 Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be from non EU/EEA country
  • Applicant must have a job offer from employer in Greece
  • Applicant muust have recent police clearance
  • Applicant must pay visa fee
  • Applicant must have valid travel documents
  • Applicant must have valid travel health insurance

Which documents do I need to apply for the Work Residence Permit?

8 Document Required

  • Valid travel document: The validity period of the travel document should exceed that of the visa by three months and must be issued in the previous 10 years
  • Cover letter of the local undertaking mentioning the identity and the contact details of the company, the specialty and the job description of the applicant and providing proof of the legality of the applicant’s employment at the company
  • Certified copy of the services contract between the local undertaking and a corresponding undertaking active in Greece. This contract must provide for: the provision of specific services exclusively relating to the installation, test operation and maintenance of the supplied items, the period of provision of services, the number and speciality of the persons to be employed, the payment of the employees’ accommodation expenses, medical and pharmaceutical care and return costs
  • A fully completed and signed application form for a long - term national visa, accompanied by a recent colour photograph of the applicant, which must meet the relevant standards provided by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The application form stands for the statutory declaration, provided by paragraph 6, Article 22 of Act 1599/1986, that the data reported are true and the supporting documents are not forged or falsified
  • Criminal record certificate issued by the foreign authorities, certifying the criminal status of the applicant in the country of his/her residence. In cases where the applicant lives in a country different from that of his/her origin, for more than a year before lodging the entry visa application, the Consular Authority may, request the presentation of a criminal record certificate issued by the country of origin
  • Medical certificate issued by a recognized state or private institution, showing that the person concerned does not suffer from a disease capable of constituting a risk to public health, according to the international data of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union acquis, as well as other infectious, contagious or parasitic diseases, imposing the taking of measures to protect public health
  • Travel insurance, with a duration equal to, at minimum, that of the visa issued, covering the costs which may arise in case of repatriation for medical reasons, for urgent medical care and/or for emergency hospital care
  • In order to establish that there are no grounds for refusing entry under paragraph 2, Article 4 of Law 4251/2014, the competent Consular Authority may require that additional supporting documents are filed

Talent Migration data for Greece

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

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