Temporary Training Visa

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


This Temporary Training Visa (subclass 407) allows you to take part in workplace-based occupational training activities to improve your skills for your job, area of tertiary study, field of expertise or in a professional development training program in Australia.

There are 3 types of occupational training covered by this visa:

  • Occupational training required for registration
  • Occupational training to improve skills in an eligible occupation
  • Occupational training for capacity building overseas. This includes overseas qualification, government support or professional


Upto 24 month(s)



200 USD (approx.)


Processing time

10-16 week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the Temporary Training Visa?

13 Eligibility Requirements

  • Your sponsor must be approved as a temporary activities sponsor. Check link for details on temporary activities sponsor
  • Your sponsor must have nominated you to participate in a program of occupational training unless your sponsor is a Australian Commonwealth Government agency
  • You must be 18 years old or older at the time of visa application decision
  • If you are applying inside Australia, you must currently hold a valid temporary substantive visa. Check the link for further information
  • You and your family members must meet the health requirement of Australia, the doctor sends results directly to the Government.
  • You and your family members must have a clean criminal record
  • You must have an adequate health insurance
  • You must have a genuine intent of staying in Australia temporarily
  • You must meet Functional English requirements. Check the link for more information
  • If you owe the Australian Government money, you must have paid it back or have a formal arrangement to pay it back
  • You must be willing to sign an Australian Values Statement. Check the link for information
  • You might not be eligible for this visa if you have had a visa cancelled or refused while you were in Australia
  • Visa decision will be taken keeping the best interest of the child in mind, in case of an applicant under age of 18

Which documents do I need to apply for the Temporary Training Visa?

16 Document Required

  • Copy of Passport biopage and other identity documents or change of name proofs like marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Sponsor documents: A sponsor approval letter or receipt for submission of the sponsorship application, your sponsor’s nomination approval letter or receipt for submission of the nomination application – if your sponsor is not an Australian Commonwealth Government agency, a written statement from the sponsor that they will meet the sponsorship obligations for you and all dependent family members included in your application
  • If this is a volunteer position, you and your sponsor need to complete the Acknowledgement of unpaid placement forms and these must be submitted at the time of nomination: Form 1283 Acknowledgement of unpaid placement—visa applicant, Form 1284 Acknowledgement of unpaid placement—sponsor
  • Financial support documents for the stay in Australia like: bank statements, a letter from your financial institution stating your financial position, etc., as applicable. Please check the link for details
  • Proof of adequate health insurance for you and family members covering the entire stay in Australia
  • Provide functional English proof to undertake the training programs else unless you are passport holders from the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the United States, Canada, New Zealand
  • If you are sponsored by a Australian Commonwealth Government agency, provide a copy of the invitation to participate in the training, else, provide a copy of the nomination approval letter or receipt for submitting the nomination application
  • Copies of registrations or licences (if applicable for your training program)
  • Provide a statement from your sponsor confirming they are satisfied that you are doing the professional development training specified in the application or that you have relevant managerial or other professional skills and work experience to participate in the program (as applicable)
  • Signed letter on company letterhead from your current manager detailing your current position and duties, including a copy of your CV
  • Occupational training required for registration purposes: Letter from the relevant regulatory body for the occupation in Australia or your home country stating the purpose of your training to get your registration or licensing done
  • Character documents: Australian Police Certificate, Form 80 Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment, Form 1221 Additional personal particulars information, overseas police certificate from from every country where you have spent 12 months in the last 10 years, military service records (if served)
  • Nominations forms, in case you are getting some help from someone or agency in the entire process of this visa
  • Provide identity, character and financial documents of your partner (if applicable)
  • Other documents related to dependents, as applicable
  • Additional documents might be required on case basis

Talent Migration data for Australia

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

Disclaimer: Visadb.io is a FREE visa database and Immigration Expert Marketplace. The information displayed in this page is not legal advice. Please speak to an Expert before applying.

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