Investor Stream Visa

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


This temporary visa requires you to invest AUD 1.5 million in an Australian state or territory and maintain business and investment activity in Australia. In two years, you can be eligible for applying for Permanent residency, provided that your investment is held in Australia for minimum four years.



51 month(s)



48 Month(s)



Min. 3530 USD


P. Residency

24 Month(s)


Processing time

min. 36 week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the Investor Stream Visa?

15 Eligibility Requirements

  • You must send an Expression of Interest (EOI) and get invited to apply for this visa.
  • You must be under 55 years of age
  • You must have a genuine intention to live for at least 2 years in the state or territory in which you have made an investment.
  • You must have at least 3 years' experience and successful record managing one or more qualifying businesses or eligible investments
  • You must score at least 65 points on the points test. Please check the link for the points calculator.
  • You must have had no involvement in unacceptable activities
  • You must have managed investments of AUD 1.5 million or a qualifying business, for at least 1 of the 5 fiscal years immediately, before you apply
  • You must have assets of AUD 2.25 million, acquired through lawful means, during the 2 fiscal years immediately before you apply
  • You must make a designated investment of at least AUD1.5 million in a state or territory government security and prepare to hold that investment for minimum 4 years
  • You should be of good health and meet the health requirement of Australia. Family members not accompanying also might be asked to meet the health requirement
  • You must have a clean criminal record
  • You must be willing to sign an Australian Values Statement. Check the link for information
  • You must be able to meet the language requirements of functional English. Please check the link for more details
  • If you or any family members owe the Australian Government money, you or they must have paid it back or arranged to pay it back
  • You might not be eligible for this visa if you have had a visa cancelled or refused while you were in Australia

Which documents do I need to apply for the Investor Stream Visa?

14 Document Required

  • Copy of Passport biopage
  • Identity documents or change of name proofs like marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Documents about your businesses, investments and assets. These documents are to prove that your investment is eligible for this visa
  • Documentation giving an overview of your business or investment like a statement outlining your intended business or investment activities, a description of your research or study in relevant sectors in Australia or if applicable, a description of any current business activities in Australia, and the period of ownership
  • A Form 1139A Statement of Assets and Liabilities Position (SALP) outlining ALL assets and liabilities position
  • Documentation for your assets; cash, real estate or business. For more details, please check the link.
  • Evidence related to your designated investment to be made and the documents to show the sources from which they have been acquired
  • You must demonstrate at least 3 years of owning and managing either a qualifying business in which you held at least 10 per cent ownership or AUD 1.5 million eligible investments (not including your home) Check the link for entire list of documents you can provide
  • Points Test documents, only for items you want points for in the Points Test. Check link for details
  • Documents showing that you have functional English skill like report by an Australian Adult Migrant English Program, educational certificates, etc. Please check the link for details.
  • Form 80 Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment, an overseas police certificate from every country, including your home country, where you spent a total of 12 months or more in the last 10 years since you turned 16 and military service records or discharge papers if you served in the armed forces of any country (as applicable)
  • Nominations forms, in case you are getting some help from someone or agency in the entire process of this visa
  • Provide identity, character and financial documents of your partner (if applicable)
  • Other documents related to dependents, as applicable

Talent Migration data for Australia

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

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