Elective residency Visa

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


The residency visa allows entrance into Italy to individuals who belong in one of the following categories:

• applicants with high self-sustaining incomes and financial assets who have a real necessity to stably residing in Italy and who can demonstrate a steady and adequate income (not from subordinate work) and other financial resources;

• applicants who were born as Italian citizens and renounced their Italian citizenship to become U.S. citizens before 1992.

Residency visa can be also issued to dependent spouse and minor children and dependent children over 18 living with their parents, assuming that the applicant can demonstrate adequate financial assets to support them.



24 Month(s)



64 Month(s)





P. Residency

1 Month(s)


Processing time

4 week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the Elective residency Visa?

5 Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be planning to move permanently
  • Applicant is not allowed to work
  • Applicant passport must valid three months over the planned stay in Italy
  • Applicant must provide guarantee of substantial and stable private income originating from pensions, annuities, income from properties or investments funds and income from stable economic and commercial activities
  • Applicant must not have criminal record

Which documents do I need to apply for the Elective residency Visa?

7 Document Required

  • Long term Visa Application Form duly filled in and signed at the Consulate. The applicant must appear in person
  • Passport-style photo (3,5 cm x 4,5 cm or 1''3/8 x 1''3/4, full front and white background)
  • Passport or valid travel document valid three months over the planned stay in Italy. The passport will be kept and returned with the visa, if approved
  • Documented and detailed guarantee of substantial and stable private income originating from pensions, annuities, income from properties or investments funds and income from stable economic and commercial activities
  • Official letters from banks, financial consultants, financial institutions, Social Security institutes, etc. and last 2 years of your Income Tax Return
  • A registered lease or deed for property in Italy
  • A letter explaining the reasons of your intention to move to Italy

Talent Migration data for Italy

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

Disclaimer: Visadb.io is a FREE visa database and Immigration Expert Marketplace. The information displayed in this page is not legal advice. Please speak to an Expert before applying.

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