Entrepreneur Visa

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


Entrepreneurs are considered those business operators who intend to perform in Italy a commercial activity that is considered significant for the Italian economy.



24 Month(s)



60 Month(s)





P. Residency

1 Month(s)


Processing time

4 Week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the Entrepreneur Visa?

6 Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant passport or travel document must be valid for at least three months after visa expiry date
  • Applicant must submit proof of parametri di riferimento (list of specific assets to perform different commercial or professional activities) issued by the local Chamber of Commerce or by the pertinent professional order. Such amount cannot be lower than the triple of the minimum social welfare yearly income (14.000 Euro)
  • Applicant must submit proof by the Office authorized to issue any required certification, license and authorization, to receive notices of commencement of business activity, or by the Body which supervises professional associations . Such declarations should be issued within the previous three months
  • Applicant must provide proof of income, earned during the preceding fiscal year in the country of residence
  • Applicant must provide Police clearance certificate
  • Applicant must have travel health insurance

Which documents do I need to apply for the Entrepreneur Visa?

8 Document Required

  • Visa application form
  • Recent passport-style photo
  • Passport or travel document valid for at least three months after visa expiry date
  • Declaration of parametri di riferimento (list of specific assets to perform different commercial or professional activities) issued by the local Chamber of Commerce or by the pertinent professional order. Such amount cannot be lower than the triple of the minimum social welfare yearly income (14.000 Euro)
  • Declaration by the Office authorized to issue any required certification, license and authorization, to receive notices of commencement of business activity, or by the Body which supervises professional associations . Such declarations should be issued within the previous three months
  • Proof of income, earned during the preceding fiscal year in the country of residence, higher than the minimum level provided by the law for exemption from participation in medical and health public assistance (8.500 Euro)
  • Nulla osta (authorization) issued within the previous 90 days by the competent Italian Questura (Police Commissary)
  • Availability of a suitable lodging

Talent Migration data for Italy

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

Disclaimer: Visadb.io is a FREE visa database and Immigration Expert Marketplace. The information displayed in this page is not legal advice. Please speak to an Expert before applying.

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