Establistment Permanant Residence Visa

DR Congo
Cost of Living
Talent Migration


Establishment Permanent Residence Visa is for foreigners who wants to immigrate or live in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) permanently. The Permanent Establishment Visa has an indefinite duration. Its holder is exempt from exit visa . If you are a frequent visitors to the country you can qualify for this visa after 15 years. If you are resident living in the country you can apply this visa after 5 years or go for the citizenship application.

Please be mindful of the requirements and make sure you get professional assistance in order to file the visa.



lifelong Month(s)



60 Month(s)



700 USD approx.


P. Residency

2 Month(s)


Processing time

8 Week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the Establistment Permanant Residence Visa?

6 Eligibility Requirements

  • • Have regularly visited the DRC without interruption for at least 15 years. This is for visitors. Residents can apply after 5 years.
  • You need to request the approval from the Directorate General of Migration
  • You must show the financial stability or means to support yourself.
  • There are other requirements, please check the documents section.
  • You must be performing agricultural, liberal, commercial or industrial activities
  • You must be regularly paying taxes (only residents)

Which documents do I need to apply for the Establistment Permanant Residence Visa?

8 Document Required

  • Include four recent passport size photos
  • Present an international vaccination card. Usually can be obtained in your country or in DR Congo
  • Present a character certificate of your country or the municipality of residence (less than 3 months old)
  • Present a certificate of residence issued by the municipality of residence (less than 3 months old). This could be in Congo.
  • Present the original and copy of the consular or registration certificate
  • Bank Statement to proof your financial stability last 6 months.
  • Attach an approval letter from the Director General of Migration
  • If applicable, attach the Interministerial Project Approval Order

Talent Migration data for DR Congo

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

Disclaimer: is a FREE visa database and Immigration Expert Marketplace. The information displayed in this page is not legal advice. Please speak to an Expert before applying.

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