*Test - Exceptional Talent Permanent Resident Visa

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


This is a  permanent residence visa for people with a history of excellence in an eligible field. You must be nominated by an Australian citizen or permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen or an Australian organisation with a national reputation in relation to your area of talent.



Lifelong Month(s)



48 Month(s)



2,712 USD (approx.)


P. Residency

1 Month(s)


Processing time

4-8 week(s)




What are eligibility requirements for the *Test - Exceptional Talent Permanent Resident Visa?

12 Eligibility Requirements

  • You must be internationally recognized, currently prominent with a record of achievement in: a profession, a sport, the arts, or academia and research
  • You must participate in a field which is recognised and accepted in Australia and has a national standing
  • Your contribution must be of benefit to the Australian community
  • You must be able to find work in your field in Australia, or become independently established in your field in Australia
  • You must be nominated by an Australian citizen or permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen or an Australian organisation with a national reputation in relation to your area of talent
  • You and any family members who apply for the visa with you must meet health requirement of Australia. Please check the link for details
  • You and your family members should have a clean criminal record
  • All applicants must have functional English or you will need to pay an extra charge, called the second installment to be granted this visa. Check link for details
  • If you owe the Australian Government money, you must have paid it back or have a formal arrangement to pay it back
  • You must be willing to sign an Australian Values Statement. Check the link for information
  • You might not be eligible for this visa if you have had a visa cancelled or refused while you were in Australia

Which documents do I need to apply for the *Test - Exceptional Talent Permanent Resident Visa?

9 Document Required

  • Copy of Passport biopage and other identity documents or change of name proofs like marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Completed Form 1000 – Nomination for Distinguished Talent and relevant supporting documents and a statement from the nominator supporting your claims
  • Proof of your achievements (in the recent 2 years) in the eligible field, like: relevant qualifications and awards, supporting statements from government, professional, scientific, cultural, sporting or other relevant bodies, including reference from a person or organisation qualified to assess your claims, press releases on your achievements, etc., as applicable
  • A statement detailing your knowledge of opportunities in Australia in your field, information provided by your nominator, letters from organisations or other relevant bodies in Australia that show future employment opportunities or possible business opportunities, etc. to prove your future establishments in Australia
  • Functional English test proof else payment of second installment required. (Except passport holders from the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the United States, Canada, New Zealand)
  • Police certificates - produce when notified
  • Nominations forms, in case you are getting some help from someone or agency in the entire process of this visa
  • Provide identity, character and financial documents of your partner (if applicable)
  • Other documents related to dependents, as applicable

Talent Migration data for Australia

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

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